Elizabeth Hammersley ADI

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Elizabeth Hammersley

"So Chris has asked me to write a testimonial about my thoughts on him. He already knows I think he's great so it isn't for his benefit I write this but for the benefit of anyone considering doing their part 3 ADI training with him. However firstly I must thank him for all the excellent training tuition and support he has given me over the past few months - it goes without saying I could not have achieved ADI status without him.

As a qualified secondary school science teacher I'm in a reasonably good position to assess the quality of tuition being given and whether or not learning has taken place. I have no doubt that if Ofsted were to grade him he'd get "outstanding teacher". After every lesson, I was able to take away 3 or 4 things to either practise and improve on or just to think about some more. I didn't always have the chance to put everything into practice but I always had something to think about - which suited my learning style - I like to be thorough. This is where, in my opinion, Chris excels - he is very thorough! If you're doing something at a grade 4 he pushes for 5's and 6's (in every area!). This isn't only to make sure you pass your part 3 but also because he's passionate about improving the quality of tuition learner driver's receive from ADI's in general.

I feel very lucky to have been trained by such a competent and confident trainer. I might start calling him Yoda from now on...

So if you want to be taught by someone who is clearly passionate about what they do and has an encyclopaedic knowledge of their subject then Chris Deane is the man for you!

Was this concise and to the point enough Chris?! Or did I use too many words? ;-)

Oh, by the way, he's also a really nice guy!"

Elizabeth Hammersley DVSA ADI 24th April 2014

supportFriendly Support

Chris offers full support from day one! Pick up the phone or drop him an Email and he will be happy to offer any help or advice you may need.

qualityStandards Check

Every two or four years the Standard of your instruction will be checked and graded! Chris can help you get the grade you deserve.

ADI Remedial Training

Failing any test can be alarming, but help is always available. Contact Chris; he will put you back on the path to success!

ContactContact Chris

Click on Contact Chris above complete form or Telephone 07703 477576 leave a message if not answered. Calls returned with-in 24 hours.